Church forced to close main worship services in Tehran
Rev. Sourik, overseer of the Assemblies of God Churches in Iran, announced on October 30 at the Central Church in Tehran that, under extreme pressure from the Ministry of Information, the church has been forced to shut down their two Friday services. From now on, he stated, services would only be held on Sundays in two shifts. Revolutionary Guards had reportedly threatened to close the church completely if the Friday services were not cancelled.
This announcement came as a great shock to the congregation. Many wept openly. Throughout the Middle East, Christians gather for worship on Friday as many have the day off. The believers of this church, which has been holding two Friday services since the 1960s, will find it difficult to attend Sunday services as Sunday is not a day off for many, as it is in the West.
Pray for the members of the Central Church in Tehran as they are forced to switch their services to Sunday. Pray that believers will find a way to attend the services. Pray that many Iranians will continue to find Christ through the lives and witness of His people in this nation of closed doors but open hearts.