Sunday, December 6, 2009

Persecution of Christians in Iran

November 04, 2009

Church forced to close main worship services in Tehran

Rev. Sourik, overseer of the Assemblies of God Churches in Iran, announced on October 30 at the Central Church in Tehran that, under extreme pressure from the Ministry of Information, the church has been forced to shut down their two Friday services. From now on, he stated, services would only be held on Sundays in two shifts. Revolutionary Guards had reportedly threatened to close the church completely if the Friday services were not cancelled.

This announcement came as a great shock to the congregation. Many wept openly. Throughout the Middle East, Christians gather for worship on Friday as many have the day off. The believers of this church, which has been holding two Friday services since the 1960s, will find it difficult to attend Sunday services as Sunday is not a day off for many, as it is in the West.

Pray for the members of the Central Church in Tehran as they are forced to switch their services to Sunday. Pray that believers will find a way to attend the services. Pray that many Iranians will continue to find Christ through the lives and witness of His people in this nation of closed doors but open hearts.

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs Inc. (Canada)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Are Prayer Meetings Dying?

I once heard a visiting pastor said that if you want to determine the spirituality of a church, don't go to its Sunday worship service. Instead, drop by at its prayer meeting. There's a lot of truth in this. At the same time, I've heard many pastors lamenting the low turnout at their church prayer meetings. But I've yet to hear a pastor asking the honest question - why?

Not too long ago, a friend of mine told me about his pastor who was addressing lay-leaders in his church. The pastor claimed that members of his church had lost their first love for God. The pastor went on to expound Revelations chapter 2 to prove his point. How did that pastor arrive at that conclusion? Simply because members of the church are no longer interested in the many conferences & seminars organised by the pastor. I suppose the pastor of that church was unfamiliar with the word - "Heresy".

In that same church, attendance at its prayer meetings has been dropping rapidly. The pastor's prediction that the current recession in the country will drive more people to church, especially to its prayer meetings didn't bear fruit. Instead, more people are keeping away. Why?

Having joined my friend for a few of its prayer meetings, it's not difficult to see why members of the church are keeping away from its prayer meetings. On the few evenings I was there, the bulk of the time was spent in praying for the pastor's pet conferences & seminars that he had organised. All I heard was the pastor's agenda & programs. If anyone had a need, the prayer meeting was certainly the wrong meeting in that church to go to.

I asked my friend whether since the recession started a year ago, did the leadership/pastor of the church ever held a prayer meeting to pray for its members? He replied "No." As with the prayer meetings that I've attended, the prayer items have always been the pastor's conferences & seminars. The pastor himself had not visited anyone of its members who had lost his/her job or home, to date.

This church is no pushover. It's a popular, charismatic church with a big reputation in town. If there was one thing I've learnt in life, it's in knowing the difference between having a reputation & having character. Your reputation is what people know of you. Your character is what God & angels know of you. No doubt the pastor of that church was a very nice guy. Having big conferences & speakers with big names will certainly help a church to build up an awesome reputation, but its character may still be found wanting.

Looking at that church & the many so-called mega-churches around the country, it's not hard to see why prayer meetings are dying even in these mega-churches. Needs are not met, the sick & wounded are not healed. When the pastor is not asking for more money to build bigger barns, its about the pastor's agenda. The members are like sheep without a shepherd. The pastors are no longer shepherds, but hired hands.

An evangelist once said, if God was to withdraw the Holy Spirit from the early church, 90% of its work will come to a halt. Today, if God was to do likewise, in most churches 90% of the work will go on. It's no longer about God, it's all about the pastor's agenda & programs. Therefore, is it any wonder that prayer meetings are dying in many churches? I think not.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Charles Darwin, Evolution and the Anglican Church

Over the last weekend we read about the Anglican Church, aka the Church of England organizing several events related to Charles Darwin & the Theory of Evolution. While the news media were quick to report about these events, the news media were unaware that for a long time, the Anglican Church no longer speak for Christians & Christianity around the world.

Firstly, the western world is no longer regarded as the epitome of Christianity. Neither North America nor Europe are regarded as the Christian World anymore. The biggest & fastest growing churches today are not in North America or Europe. They are in Asia, Africa & South America. To Christians in these three continents, Christianity is already dying in North America & Europe, especially in the United Kingdom. The days of great scholars like Michael Green & James Ian Packer are gone. The Anglican Church today is a joke.

So when news filtered out that the Anglican Church were organizing the said events, the churches in Asia, Africa & South America didn't even blinked. The Christian Faith has been reduced to nothing more than organized religion in the Anglican Church. To many Christians, the Anglican Church is already in advanced stage of rigor mortis.

The story of the Church in Asia, Africa & South America is written in the blood, sweat & tears of its people. In Asia, there is not single country that could be labeled as a Christian country. The Christian Faith is often planted with the blood of its missionaries & leaders in these places. It's not uncommon that imprisonment & persecution is the price Christians in Asia, Africa & South America pay for their belief. Christianity is cheap in the western world.

Today, many countries in these three continents are developed countries. Christians here don't share not care to compromised their Faith unlike those in the West. Respected men & women of science in many countries don't subscribe to the Theory of Evolution. They don't feel the need to buy in into this theory to be good & competent professionals in the world of science & technology. They are not prepared to sell-out their Faith.

The strangest development surrounding Charles Darwin is that some of supporters are now claiming that Charles Darwin was an abolitionist, an activist working against slavery in the UK. Nothing could be further from the truth. This sounds more like a PR exercise to remake Charles Darwin as a respected man of science. If Charles Darwin was passionate about his abolitionist stand, there is not as much a sentence about it in all his letters or books.

In fact, Charles Darwin had a personal dislike for William Wilberforce, the abolitionist & British MP who helped to end the slave trade in the British Empire. In addition, when Charles Darwin was in New Zealand, he expressed his disgust & contempt for the local natives, calling them savages needing training in civilization. So much for his compassion for African slaves. Charles Darwin was very much a bigoted racist.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gay-Rights Hypocrites Attack Pastor Rick Warren

Passing themselves off to be liberals and free folks, the gay-rights movement renewed their attacks against pastor Rick Warren after the inauguration of president Barack Obama. Hypocritical to the core, jaundiced with malice and prejudice, the attack dogs of the gay-rights movement set about to attack pastor Rick Warren, who to date had refused to defend himself.

Thankfully, pastor Rick Warren gave no quarters nor compromised his prayer. After all, he was praying for the office of the president and for America. Not everything in America is about the self-centered gay-rights movement. The gay-rights movement is about division, not unity. It is an "I-me-mine-myself" organism.

When hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, it was the churches that were the first responders. It was not the gay-rights movement. Likewise, time and time again, Christians have been one of the first to respond when America was in dire need. Not gays, not lesbians. But the deception goes on to show that the gay-rights movement is the core of American values and history. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Christians have nothing to be ashamed off in this country. Christians are the true liberals of America. Well said, well done pastor Rick Warren. Do not let the turkeys get you down. You have done the Kingdom of Heaven proud.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Barack Obama, Rick Warren and the Gay Fascist Movement

I was surprised to read about the Gay Movement whipping up a storm just because the senior pastor of Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, was going to speak & pray at president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration.

Personally, I have nothing against people such as gays if they are wired differently from the rest of us. I have friends who are definitely gay.

Pastor Rick Warren never said that he was going to preach against gays and lesbians during the inauguration. Yet, the Gay Movement were the ones who cast the first stone.

The Movement have proven that they are not just about equal rights or even human rights. The Movement is nothing more than a fascist movement, trampling down anyone who happens to disagree with them, very much like a bunch of Nazis.

In attacking pastor Rick Warren, the Gay Movement have demonstrated that they are no better than a bunch of playground bullies.

It is unfortunate that president-elect Barack Obama had chosen to give in to this fascist movement so early in his term. In offering Bishop Robinson a platform, president-elect Barack Obama had nullify the relevance of God and Christianity in America.

President George W. Bush compromised with the religious right-wingers and disgraced the Faith. Now, president-elect Barack Obama had disgraced the Faith by selling out to the Gay Fascist Movement.

Perhaps there is no God in America after all.