I was surprised to read about the Gay Movement whipping up a storm just because the senior pastor of Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, was going to speak & pray at president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration.
Personally, I have nothing against people such as gays if they are wired differently from the rest of us. I have friends who are definitely gay.
Pastor Rick Warren never said that he was going to preach against gays and lesbians during the inauguration. Yet, the Gay Movement were the ones who cast the first stone.
The Movement have proven that they are not just about equal rights or even human rights. The Movement is nothing more than a fascist movement, trampling down anyone who happens to disagree with them, very much like a bunch of Nazis.
In attacking pastor Rick Warren, the Gay Movement have demonstrated that they are no better than a bunch of playground bullies.
It is unfortunate that president-elect Barack Obama had chosen to give in to this fascist movement so early in his term. In offering Bishop Robinson a platform, president-elect Barack Obama had nullify the relevance of God and Christianity in America.
President George W. Bush compromised with the religious right-wingers and disgraced the Faith. Now, president-elect Barack Obama had disgraced the Faith by selling out to the Gay Fascist Movement.
Perhaps there is no God in America after all.